Thursday, March 12, 2009

On Gratitude

I made a commitment to myself to try and write on this thing about once a week, and I am falling short on my duties. I've been really busy lately and haven't made time for it, or haven't been inspired during my minimal free time, one of the two. I'm so grateful to be busy though, and I guess that's really all that I want to write about today. We are all hearing so much bad news every single day these days. More lay-offs, job losses, cut-backs. Higher unemployment numbers, lower stock market numbers, troubling times ahead.

I am feeling very lucky and fortunate and grateful these days for my business and for all of my wonderful clients. They may or may not all read this, but I just want to say thank you to them. Actually, I want to stand on my rickety desk and shout THANK YOU for choosing me to be the one to help you plan your big, important, incredibly special day. I am inspired daily by each of you and am having such a good time doing what I do with you. I know that I am one of the lucky ones who gets to do a job she loves, and I just can't say thank you enough for helping make that possible.

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